
Our financial planning fee is $1900 or we are charge an hourly fee at $275 per hour if you prefer. Unless you have specific questions, the flat financial planning fee will be more economical as it will include all necessary meetings until your plan is complete plus any follow-up questions. We also have a package where we assist you in formulating a plan for paying for college for a fee of $600 if that is all you desire.

Here is what our financial plan encompasses:

  • Retirement planning

    • Our retirement planning services typically include projections of your likelihood of achieving your financial goals. For situations where projections show less than the desired results, we may make recommendations that include showing you the Impact on those projections by making changes in certain variables (i.e. working longer saving more, spending less, taking more risk with investments). 

  • Cash flow and income needs

    • A review of your income and expenses to determine the current surplus or deflect along with advice on prioritizing how any surplus should be used.  Advice is also provided on the appropriate cash reserve that should be considered for emergencies and other financial goals, a review of accounts (such as money market funds) for such reserves, plus strategies to save the desired amounts.

  • College funding

    • Our college funding services often include projecting the amount that will be needed to achieve college or other post-secondary education funding goals, along with advice on ways for you to save the desired amount.

  • Insurance planning

    • Our services include an analysis of your exposure to major risks that could have a significant adverse impact on your financial picture, such as premature death, disability or the need for long-term care.  Advice is provided on ways to minimize such risks and about weighing the costs of purchasing Insurance versus the benefits of doing so and, likewise, the potential costs of not purchasing Insurance (self-insuring).

  • Estate Planning

    • It's never too early to begin thinking about your legacy or to shape your estate plan. Contrary to what many people think, you don't need to be a millionaire to have an estate plan. An estate plan is an imperative part of any ongoing financial planning process. These include wills, trusts, power of attorney contract, healthcare proxy, plans for gifting to charity or family etc.

  • Investment Management

    • Our financial planning clients receive complimentary investment management services. We will collaborate with you on an investment strategy that fits your risk tolerance to achieve your planned financial goals. This allows us to fully implement your financial plan. Equities will be held in your name at a brokerage that services all of our clients.

Some real-world examples of planning that can be done:

  • Income planning and investment management for a couple retiring early

  • The unexpected loss of a spouse

  • Options for TSP when leaving government/military

  • Retirement readiness assessment

  • Consolidating random accounts into a coherent investment portfolio

  • Managing a large inheritance/estate